This came up as a question on IRC: how to read an XML file on the server into a table column?
One solution, albeit far from ideal, would be:
create or replace function xml_import(filename text)
returns xml
language plpgsql as
content bytea;
loid oid;
lfd integer;
lsize integer;
loid := lo_import(filename);
lfd := lo_open(loid,262144);
lsize := lo_lseek(lfd,0,2);
perform lo_lseek(lfd,0,0);
content := loread(lfd,lsize);
perform lo_close(lfd);
perform lo_unlink(loid);
return xmlparse(document convert_from(content,'UTF8'));
This obviously only works when called as superuser; it’s also not safe to make it security-definer without also coding in a lot of restrictions on the filename. A possible refinement would be to examine the file content to try and determine the actual encoding, rather than hardcoding that as UTF-8.
Changing the return type to bytea
and the last line of the function body to
return content;
allows the code to work for binary files instead.
something is very broken with this blog software; it took me two days (two days!) to find a way to post that code fragment without having the whitespace eaten by the editor.
I thought that XML by default should always be utf8, and other encodings are enforced/nonstandart.
<?xml encoding="iso-8859-1">